
The new system of early warning: stay ahead of criminals are one step

The German government soon plans to create a new system of early warning systems.

The German government soon plans to create a new system of early warning systems.

main objective of the new system - detection of fraud and deception in relation to food products, according to the German newspaper WELT with reference to the magazine FOCUS. Relevant initiative of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Consumer Protection of Germany was a reaction to the recent scandal in the European Union after the detection of undeclared use of horse meat in the finished meat products.

existing control system and the ability to trace the origin of meat products in Germany allow a few hours to identify the sources of the violations and take appropriate measures to protect the targeted consumers. The new system will serve as the identification of cases of fraud in the earlier stages. It is planned to create a team of experts in statistics, criminology, agriculture and food.

Minister of Food Agriculture and Consumer Protection Ilse Aigner, Germany, in an interview with the magazine "Focus" is so formulated the goal of creating an early warning system: "We must as soon as possible to identify the areas of food production, which provides incentives for violations, and thus ahead of crime one step. "

idea to create an early warning system emerged in the scandal surrounding the investigation of horse meat, when it became clear that there was a theoretical possibility to identify violations before. To identify potential fraud will be purposefully used in the existing EU international system of data analysis, in particular, for slaughter and export. There will also be an opportunity giving anonymous testimony through special online portals.

«If such an expert group existed earlier, it would have revealed a discrepancy between the existing European data slaughter and horse meat production in the Balkans and the parallel lack of growth in output of horse meat in the European Union", cchitaetsya German magazine "Focus".

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