
Putin not report about meat

Technical regulations "On the safety of meat and meat products" Customs Union threatens to leave Russia without meat and rural residents, beginning May 1.

Technical regulations "On the safety of meat and meat products" Customs Union threatens to leave Russia without meat and rural residents, beginning May 1.

In Germany, where the word " veterinary culture" recognized also respectfully as Wagner's music , there are features of the national hunt . Hunters in hats with feathers and with expensive guns solemnly photographed near mined boar or deer , and then sing songs around the campfire and roast brought with them ... sausages. Meat beast tomorrow at their home in sealed packages bring huntsman after examination by a veterinarian and cutting at the factory . During this

hunters pay separately .

first it seemed odd - and pechenochki fresh fry ? But I patiently explained that wild animals can be carriers of " lot " and order is an order . When talking about it themselves hunters can understand - how many generations need to be convinced to step over the " call of the wild ».

This is Europe , and we live in Russia . And the Russian peasant European one month to do. But the authors of the document , which will perform from 1 May , this " flourish " in the minds of no trace left . Academician Igor Kurchatov

, "father" of the Soviet atomic bomb , when built closed to all nuclear center ordered not paved footpath , while employees do not protopchut most convenient routes . Of course , they are not paved the approved drawing. Kurchatov believed that specialists from work nothing should distract , including footpaths and uncomfortable .

Academician Andrei Tupolev , the "father" of Soviet aviation heavy when built test center in Zhukovsky , assumed the duties of the architect and personally painted in every residential neighborhood school, kindergarten, shops and brick garages . Test pilots and engineers were avid motorists , they should not have anything to distract from the work , including household care . And

Kurchatov, and Tupolev Comrade Stalin could call and explain that their demands - this is not the whims and conditions the country's defense .

When it comes to the villagers that provide food security in Russia, Kurchatov is neither nor Tupolev, nor even anyone who would say to Putin that the document adopted by the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission , will leave the country , not only without meat, but and without the rural population .

Speech on Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products ", which comes into force on 1 May .

Food Security Doctrine marked the threshold beyond which this security is not - 85 percent of the meat in the country to be its production. Really , according to official statistics, Russia produced 77.4 percent. The rest being taken abroad. Well , think of it - there is some 8 percent! That pull their socks up , feed the bulls , asset mobilize and nobody we can not decree .

But there are other statistics , too formal , but you try not to notice the top . Russian grain exports back to us the import of meat and animal feed, which is equivalent to grain imports exceeding exports ( re-read it two more times slower ) . Their cattle at the same time , slowly but surely goes under the knife , reduced production and sustainable consumption of beef ( 11 pounds per person per year instead of 25 ) . But in a growing segment of the consumption of pork (17 pounds instead of the recommended 11). Like, there is achievement , and what a difference : the meat - it is the meat ? But in beef has essential amino acids required for children under five years of mental development and procreation . Pork their childhood is not a substitute .

And what is most interesting - 19 percent of pork produce smallholders and farmers . Deduct from 77.4 percent of total production " farm " piece , and it turns out that our wonderful agricultural holdings , which have almost the entire "pie" grants, loans , government attention and seats in parliament - only 58 , 4 per cent of the food safety of meat . A talk - is much talk - about the vertical integration of marketing and management of innovation, policy and feature bald !

So these farmers and smallholders with their pigs , oxen , sheep from May 1 to the way the market is closed . Produced meat they should eat yourself if you were slaughtering their own, in a shed on the fresh straw . How did it even grandfathers , great grandfathers . Technical regulations

grandfathers - grandfathers , thank God, does not negate , but homemade sausage - rings in a barrel , flooded with lard for preservation, does not want to market the product. However, both the villagers and farmer , and a villager even the correct paper with " concepts" do not knock . In the big city for domestic pay exorbitant prices now . Reasons

save this tradition a lot. But the main one that the highest authorities safely simply ... fell all agrarian revolution achievements in the world : chemical , breeding , genetic and technical too. Meanwhile , in Europe, offers a modern , " protected " technology content is not what the herd , and one pig and - with watering , manure , ventilation and music. Reservations AgroNews wrote about it more than once. At the right moment arrives specialist pig take a walk , and you will return packaged chops and young pink pig .

Who in Russia someone on these technologies advance officially told ?

Nobody anyone. Why ? How

rural Russian mobile slaughterhouses ?

Nobody will say . Why ?

Customs Union adopted a document , excluding the real state of technology in rural areas .

But the money for equipment : neither in the MOA , or in the regions . Why ?

LPH - it is a way of producing agricultural products for sale without paying taxes . Who considered direct losses thirds of the population and what will be the compensation ?

Nobody thought . Why ?

From the introduction of the new regulations will stop work roadside catering, which enjoys raw local smallholders and farmers. Drivers and passengers will remain even without the broth , not to mention the cutlets . Someone considered losses small business ?

Nobody thought . Why ?

ban on sale of meat will give rise to a "black market" of raw materials , and with it the growth of corruption in the municipal authorities , the local police and regulatory authorities in the areas of consumer market. Will flash veterinary problems due to uncontrolled herds .

Nobody predicted such damage , and the budget for it is not planned. Why ?

Two pigs fattened and sold to pay study allows a child in high school in the big city the whole course . If you can not sell it - parents need to throw the village and hired security guards in the city. If the state does not grow and sell , farmers in response to " disable " the state of vital resources . First one , then a hundred , then millions. Their village with nothing more links .

Putin is not out there looking for a "fifth column ", it would be necessary to name names of those who remained silent , that the introduction of technical regulations must be prepared for several years. And the introduction of its population is without preparation pure diversion of mass destruction .

Somebody told Putin about this ? No. Nobody .

Why ? Because it is a living body language is created to extract sounds , while the goal he called differently - leaver .

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