
How many Russians have overpaid for pork?

The situation in the Russian pork market remains quite tense.

The situation in the Russian pork market remains quite tense.

By the end of May this year, the deficit of the meat was about 53 tons - about 20% of the market needs. Total, according to a survey prepared IAA "IMIT" for the first five months of 2014 the market volume of pork dropped by more than 10% in relation to last year's performance - up to 999.7 thousand tons. "The main reason for this - the reduction of imports of the main supplier countries" - experts say.

slight decrease in the cost of live pigs and pork, which could be observed in late June, has ceased, and in the last few weeks, prices again rushed up. Today the cost of live pigs and pork in half more than in 2013 more than 60%. By July 7 price of live pigs in Russia amounted to 118 rub. / Kg and half-carcasses rose to 175 rub. / Kg.

According to the monitoring retailers from January to July in Moscow shops price of pork increased by 25%. Given this price dynamics, the first half of Russians overpaid for pork more than 27 billion rubles.

Source: Agency AgroFakt

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