
Some of the articles published on the site of "Meat Industry", closed to public viewing.

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АННОТАЦИЯ: Евросоюз расширяет применение насекомых в качестве пищевого продукта для населения: в январе выданы первые разрешения на поставку на рынок ЕС продуктов из домашнего сверчка (Acheta domesticus) и личинок мучного бурого хрущака (Alphitobius diaperinus).

The European Union promotes eating insects

Abstract. The European Union is expanding the use of insects as a food product for the population: in January, the first permits were issued for the supply to the EU market of products from domestic cricket (Acheta domesticus) and larvae of flour brown crustacean (Alphitobius diaperinus).

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