
Omsk ask farmers to postpone the entry into force of the new requirements for meat products

New technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products", effective May 1 this year, according to various experts, can lead to serious economic consequences.

New technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products", effective May 1 this year, according to various experts, can lead to serious economic consequences.

First of all, according to them, suffer personal monastery , the costs of which will increase substantially . Recently Coordinating Council on agricultural policy , food and light industry Interregional Association "Siberian Agreement" held an expanded meeting , dedicated to the entry into force on 1 May this year, the new technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of meat and meat products ." Participants of the meeting shared the view that the adoption of this document in the states - participants of the Customs Union is clearly premature. "I personally took in the letter for AMIS 350 signatures , including the signature of the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk region , where requested the federal government to delay the introduction of the regulations ," - says the head of the Main Directorate of Veterinary Omsk Oblast Vladimir Okolelov . Of particular concern is the expert point banning the sale of meat of domestic slaughter. They believe that the introduction of such a ban today can lead to very serious economic consequences . Under the new rules , if the meat is produced backyards , not intended for personal consumption and for sale, slaughter must be performed only at meat or certified slaughterhouses . But now such specialized enterprises is not everywhere . For example, the eight districts of the Omsk region slaughterhouses do not have. And not because the local authorities allowed the situation to drift. According to Vladimir Okolelova when two years ago talking about the new technical regulations , district heads to take steps to find investors. However, not all turned out to resolve this issue . First, the cost of the modular plant is not cheap - about 2 million rubles. Secondly, no one will invest if profitability is certainly questionable. And in some municipalities slaughterhouses will definitely not be loaded. "Chairman of the Coordinating Council , he is also chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Altai Territory Ivan Loor led in his speech such a figure . The Territory and a half thousand settlements , inhabited by one to several families. Slaughterhouses there has never been and will not be for the reason that build them unprofitable. A similar situation in our Krutinsky , Kolosovskaya areas where little livestock ", - says Vladimir Okolelov . But the lack of a sufficient number of items certified primary processing of livestock is only one of the problems . In the Pavlograd district - two slaughterhouses . Despite this, several local entrepreneurs procured implementation meat slaughtering peasants , already announced the closure of the business. Accordingly, in a situation of "to be or not to be" proved themselves meat producers . Head of the Agricultural District Nikolai Shklovchik considers this a signal that the additional costs associated with the transition from home to industrial slaughter , entrepreneurs can not accomplish. "What is to take cattle to the slaughter point? It is necessary to hire transport - there and back. Pay service itself . Obtained an expensive pleasure . Of course, we'll talk with the owners of these items to lower prices . But while we are at an impasse ", - says Nikolay Shklovchik . About unwillingness to work under the new requirements and the owners themselves say farmsteads . Owner smallholdings in the Omsk region Eugene said " Omskregionu " that ban on the sale of domestic meat slaughtering completely covers the homestead farms oxygen , putting them on the brink of survival. Family Eugene exists solely on income from domestic pig , which began six years ago with two sows. Thus he does not sell meat peasants . He tried to ride the provincial fair , but the markets too much competition , and to earn clientele , need at least a year . Therefore , scoring pigs, and his wife had driven meat dealers who have permanent trading market place. According to Eugene with one pig weighing 100 kg in the family currently receives about 7000 rubles of net profit . "But this is because the middleman gives me the highest price - 150 rubles per kilogram, because I have a good breed - lean . And thanks to the fact that last year was a good grain harvest and autumn managed to buy enough food inexpensively. But the year before , due to a poor harvest grain has risen sharply , we have worked to nil . That is earned as much invested. No break-in period did not work " - says Eugene . If you now have to move from home to industrial slaughter , family incomes fall sharply due to rising costs. Eugene calculated that shipping pig in the city to the meat would cost somewhere in the thousand rubles. 2,000 more per head will have to pay for the slaughter : 20 rubles per kilogram . Plus you need to pay 300 rubles for branding . Meat also be hung for night in the fridge to cool. This service is also not free . Total revenues will be subtracted from about 3.5 thousand rubles. "My benefit in this case is 3.5 thousand . But here I do not consider the value of their work - what I am for this little pig went 7-8 months ", - says Eugene . He admits that he does not know yet how to proceed . "We have the whole village is now at a crossroads. You can not say that the new technical regulations came as a surprise . Discussions were held about him . But when it is , no one really knew , "- says Eugene . According to the peasant , people still expect a reprieve - at least for a year. At Eugene have ideas that he hopes to implement during this time . Regional Ministry of Agriculture and Food is also preparing to work in the new reality , the proposed Customs technical regulations "On the safety of meat and meat products ." In particular , negotiations with the meat-packing plants and slaughterhouses applicable for purchase of cattle in areas where there is its primary processing . According to the minister Vitaly Ehrlich , meat packing plants today are not loaded at full capacity and therefore interested to attract more resources. "They kept the system loggers . For example, " Kompur " Cattle works until the Sign District. The company even willing to assume the shipping costs of cattle for slaughter . We agreed that the heads of rural settlements concentrated at application owners farmsteads . And depending on the number of requests sent to meat processors town or large trucks or " Gazelle " , "- said Vitaly Ehrlich . Minister stresses that the collapse in the market of meat and meat products in any case be allowed , although some costs at first, probably will .

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